Dining Hall Ceiling Collapse Managed with No Injuries

    Dining Hall Ceiling Collapse Managed with No Injuries


    On Saturday, August 31, a leak in the ceiling of the Linville Dining Hall caused a portion of the ceiling to collapse. Students and staff were quickly and efficiently evacuated before major damage occurred, and power to the dining hall and the four adjacent residence halls was shut off for safety purposes. 

    Hartsville Fire and EMS arrived on scene and began inspection of the area. Around 10:30 p.m., students were given the all-clear as HFD’s inspection determined the adjacent dorms were structurally sound and safe for the students to return. Upon preliminary inspection, it appears that a 6-inch sprinkler pipe burst in the ceiling causing the collapse. University officials have already started contingency plans for the future of dining services on campus. Meals will continue to be served with no interruption of service.
